Astrophotography by David Gares

Galaxy M32

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M32 is the small bright companion galaxy near the much more impressive Andromeda Galaxy, M31.  They often appear together in photographs.  It is easily bright enough to be seen in the telescope from my light-polluted backyard.  M32 is an elliptical dwarf galaxy with about 3 billion solar masses. 
M32 was the first elliptical galaxy ever discovered.  It has no globular clusters and is rather featureless, though very large telescopes can resolve individual stars.  It is mainly notable for its brightness and its nearby location.

 Galaxy M32
 (Click image to enlarge)


 Object Details:  
 Type:  Elliptical Galaxy
 Constellation:  Andromeda
 Distance:  2.9 million light-years
 Linear Diameter:  8000 light-years

 Image Details:
 Date:  October 17, 2004
 Site:  Harahan, LA
 Exposure:  CCD, 10 x 5 min.
 Filters:  Orion SkyGlow LPR
 Processing:  MSB Astroart 3.0
 Telescope:  10" Meade LX200
 Reducer:  Meade, f/4.3
 CCD:  Starlight Express MX7C
 Autoguider:  S.T.A.R. 2000