Astrophotography by David Gares

Eagle Nebula M16

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M16, the Eagle Nebula, is a young star cluster surrounded by gas and dust pillars.  The gas is ionized by ultraviolet light from the massive young stars, and the gas/dust pillars absorb some of the light.  This nebula yields spectacular photos, but this one is so-so because of my bright skies.  The pillars have been named Pillars of Creation as seen by the Hubble telescope.

 Eagle Nebula M16
 (Click image to enlarge)


 Object Details:  
 Type:  Emission nebula, open cluster
 Constellation:  Serpens
 Distance:  7000 light-years
 Size:  55 x 70 light-years

 Image Details:
 Date:  May 23, 2004
 Site:  Harahan, LA
 Exposure:  CCD, 10 x 5 min.
 Filters:  Orion SkyGlow LPR
 Processing:  MSB Astroart 3.0
 Telescope:  10" Meade LX200
 Reducer:  Meade, f/4.3
 CCD:  Starlight Express MX7C
 Autoguider:  S.T.A.R. 2000

Last updated on 2/29/2016, 3:08:20 AM