Astrophotography by David Gares

Andromeda Galaxy M31

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M31, the Andromeda galaxy, is probably the most famous of all galaxies.  It is a sister galaxy to our own Milky Way.  M31 is often photographed together with its dwarf elliptical galaxy companions M32 and M110.  M31 is visible in binoculars and even to the naked eye under exceptional skies.  M31 is too large for the 10" scope.  I also attempted to image it with a telephoto lens, but better images came with the Takahashi FSQ.  The fainter extents of the galaxy are difficult to pick up under my light-polluted skies, yet the core is too bright.  Obviously the images below need improvement.

 Object Details:  
 Type:  Spiral Galaxy
Constellation:  Andromeda
 Distance:  2.9 million light-years
 Size:  250,000 light-years




M31 Andromeda Galaxy
(with M32 and M110)
 Date:  Sept 20, 2015
 Site:  Harahan, LA
 Exposure:  CCD, 32 x 3 min.
 Filters:  IDAS LPS V4 48mm
 Processing:  MSB Astroart 5.0
 Telescope:  4" Tak FSQ-106N
 Reducer:  None (f/5.0)
 Image CCD:  SX Trius 694C Color
 Guide CCD:  SX  MX7C (w/ Barlow) 
 Guide Scope:  AT66ED, ScopeStuff TBSX


M31 Andromeda Galaxy
(with M32 and M110)

Date:  Oct. 19, 2003
Site:  Harahan, LA
Exposure: CCD, 5 x 60 sec.
Lens:  135 mm, f/2.8
Filters:  None
Processing:  MSB Astroart 3.0
CCD:  Starlight Express MX7C
Autoguider:  S.T.A.R. 2000


M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Date:  Nov. 02, 2003
Site:  Harahan, LA (hazy skies)
Exposure:  CCD, 6 x 2 min.
Filters:  Orion SkyGlow LPR
Processing:  MSB Astroart 3.0
Telescope:  10" Meade LX200
Reducer:  Meade f/3.3
CCD:  Starlight Express MX7C
Autoguider:  S.T.A.R. 2000

Last updated on 2/29/2016, 3:08:20 AM