M8, the Lagoon Nebula, is a large emission nebula
containing a number of interesting features. It includes the bright "young" stars of open cluster NGC 6530.
It also contains a number of dark nebulae called "globules". The brightest part of the nebula (seen to the right) gets
the name "Hourglass Nebula" as well. This object is quite photogenic. It often appears together with M20
(Trifid Nebula) or in wide swaths of Milky Way starfield. Its full extent is about three times the apparent size of
the full moon. The new H9C camera has a large enough chip to capture the brightest portions (88
x 65 light-years). The new IDAS filter defeated the skyglow well. M8 doesn't rise very high
in the Harahan sky.
Lagoon Nebula M8 (Click image
to enlarge)
Object Details: Type:
Emission nebula Constellation: Sagittarius Distance: 5200 light-years Size: 60 x 140 light-years
Top Two Images Details:
Scale: 88 x 65 light years Date: June
04, 2006 Site: Harahan, LA Conditions: Clear, Cool, Dry! Exposure: CCD, 10 x 4
min. Filters: IDAS LPS-P48 Processing: MSB Astroart 3.0/5.0 Telescope: 4"
Tak FSQ-106N Reducer: None (f/5.0) Image CCD: SX SXV-H9C Guide CCD: SX MX7C Guide Scope: Vixen ED80Sf (Upper reprocessed
Middle Image Details: Date: May
08, 2005 Site: Harahan, LA Conditions: Extreme haze Exposure: CCD, 10 x 5 min. Filters:
Orion SkyGlow LPR Processing: MSB Astroart 3.0 Telescope: 4" Tak FSQ-106N Reducer: None
(f/5.0) CCD: Starlight Express MX7C Autoguider:
S.T.A.R. 2000
Lower Image Details: Date: August
14, 2004 Site: Harahan, LA Exposure:
CCD, 14 x 5 min. Filters: Orion SkyGlow LPR Processing: MSB Astroart 3.0 Telescope:
10" Meade LX200 Reducer: Meade, f/4.3 CCD: Starlight Express MX7C Autoguider: S.T.A.R. 2000