Click solar images below:
Sun in H-alpha, Coronado PST, Starlight Xpress Ultrastar CCD,
100 exposures 24-Jan-2016
Sun in H-alpha, Coronado PST, Philips ToUcam Pro II Webcam Scopetronix MaxPower 1.6x Amplifier
Sun in H-alpha, Coronado PST, Philips ToUcam Pro II Webcam Scopetronix MaxPower 1.6x Amplifier Hand
Guided Mount (04/29/07, approx. 10:00 a.m.)
Sun in H-alpha, Coronado PST, Philips ToUcam Pro II Webcam Scopetronix MaxPower 1.6x Amplifier Hand
Guided Mount (04/29/07, approx. 11:00 a.m.)
Sun, 2-image f/10 mosaic, 3 exposures each @ 1/1000 sec. (11/28/04, approx.
11:00 a.m.)
Sun, same image data with wavelet processing using Registax 2
Sun, same image data with averaging and aligning using AstroArt 3.0
Sun, f/6.3 reducer (Meade), 4 exposures @ 1/250 sec., Lumicon Deep Sky Filter (11/28/04, approx.
11:00 a.m.)
Details on film mosaics:
Camera: Olympus OM-1
Film: Kodak Supra 400
Site: Harahan, LA Telescope: 10" Meade LX200 SCT
Solar Filter: JMB Identiview Class "A" White Light, Full Aperture
Processing: MSB AstroArt 3.0 and Registax 2
Unfortunately the sunspot activity was very low. The surprise activity peak in October has waned. The slight
blemish at the top of the f/10 images is a scanner artifact courtesy of the film lab. Most of my f/10 images were ruined
at the top, but luckily I shot some half-images for the mosaic. The Lumicon Deep Sky nebula filter did not enhance the
h-alpha spectral intensity at all.